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Tecnologico de Monterrey's Museum

Design of two major projects for Tecnologico de Monterrey's Museum, at Puebla, Mexico: the catalog of the inaugural exhibition and the first anniversary yearbook for the Museum.
Catalog specs:
Format: Printed
Size: 24 x 15 cm.
Pages: 18
Exposure: Souvenir.
Some pages are shown. Images, photography and official logos were provided and are property of Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico. The content of all editions is property of Tecnologico de Monterrey.
Yearbook specs:
Format: SWF application
Pages: 45
Exposure: Museum's web site.
Some pages are shown. Images, photography and official logos were provided and are property of the Museum of Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico. The content of all editions is property of Tecnologico de Monterrey. You can check the book here (in spanish).
S&P Catalogs

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